This past weekend was the spring Friends of the Seattle Public Library book sale, which I now greatly look forward to after my friend Jessica introduced me to the event a few years ago. I didn't have much time to devote to the hunt on Saturday morning, but now that I know where the "Domestic Arts" (the name for Crafts, Hobbies, Sewing, etc... section) and Home Projects books are located I can get in and out pretty quickly.

I've learned you have to be tough and willing to battle the crowd, because this place gets crazy fast. I rolled in a few minutes are nine and it was already a complete zoo, but by 9:45 I had a full bag and was headed for the door.

I make scarves out of old sports team t-shirts and yesterday I had my first real sale on etsy! (I say "real", because I did trade an OSU scarf for a portrait done by another artist on etsy, but this was my first actual monetary sale. Yay!) I have sold other scarves through friends and at work, but my first online sale felt like a moment of triumph in my otherwise ordinary day.

I've seen serving pedestals or cake stands made of mixed vintage dishes and glassware at craft fairs and recently saw a brief article on how to make your own in There really are some lovely pieces people have found and combined in lovely ways, such as these on by Isabella Designs.

But here is my many of us have room for extra cake/serving stands in our cupboards? My perspective is painted by the fact that I live in a condo, which means...

After contemplating the idea of blogging for several months, maybe even a year, I'm finally getting off the couch and moving to the chair in front of my computer. I've been enjoying many other craft/home decor/art blogs for some time and finally decided starting my own blog would be good for me and my projects. Maybe it's turning 30 in the last year, but I feel the need to put myself out there a little more and finish more of what I start.
About Me
About Me
I'm Maren and I inherited the "project" gene. While this probably isn't a scientific term, I believe it is why I am constantly starting (and usually finishing) new projects. I focus most of my efforts on various crafts, sewing, art, home decor, recycled materials and anything else that peaks my curiosity.
Email me
Email me
madebymeo (at) gmail (dot) com
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