My weekend started with a major house rearranging to start getting the baby's room in order. After clearing out the former guest room, moving the office, and emptying some remaining items from the storage unit we rented to "stage" our house for selling, I was a little tired. (Although I didn't really carry or lift much, but it sure looked tiring.)

Of course I wasn't too tired to start imagining all the fun projects I'll be doing to decorate the baby's room. Here is a selection of fabric I picked up for some "wall art" I've started working on. Plus a few paint samples. (I'm leaning towards Limeheart, second from the top.)

But, in the end I decided to work on a project for my husband. What my husband would really like is a giant desk, and by giant I mean giant.

On Monday I posted Part 1 of this Croquet Mallet Coat Rack. And now here is the grand finale....

In my previous post I left off with the orange and white stripes, but still needed to finish green and yellow stripes. You'll notice that I also left a few areas of natural stripes. I hadn't planned on doing this, but then decided it would be a nice way to break up the color and compliment the natural wood of the mallets.

Last weekend my mom and I went to a "flea market" called 2nd Saturdayz that takes place at Magnuson Park Hanger 30 on, you guessed it, the second Saturday of each month. I put flea market in quotes, because this is how the event was billed to me, but for a D.I.Y. gal like myself there just wasn't enough junk. Most of the vendors were antique/vintage dealers of some sort that had already spruced up their wares according to their business theme (i.e.

I'm just going to call the last month or two a period of winter hibernation. I haven't done much blogging or crafting due to a major lack of creative energy. Actually, not just creative, but physical energy. 

Why? Well, I am now embarking on my longest and most important project (or science experiment)...a baby. Needless to say, I'm going to start blaming this kid for zapping my energy (I'm sure this won't be the end of that).
About Me
About Me
I'm Maren and I inherited the "project" gene. While this probably isn't a scientific term, I believe it is why I am constantly starting (and usually finishing) new projects. I focus most of my efforts on various crafts, sewing, art, home decor, recycled materials and anything else that peaks my curiosity.
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madebymeo (at) gmail (dot) com
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