It now seems like time is flying by as I try to work my way through the ever growing list of nursery projects.

Do I have my crib put together? No, of course not. Are my car seats in place? Heavens no.

But, I did finish redoing a pair of lamps this weekend. My new tree lamps look like this.

Unfortunately, the green walls/lamp color doesn't show up very well in my poorly lit photograph.

I found a pair of tan, ceramic lamps at the Goodwill a long time ago and had been using them in my former guestroom/soon to be nursery. But, the triangular lamp shades that went with them didn't really work, so when I recently found a pair of round, pink lamp shades, also at the Goodwill, I snatched them up. Finding a matching pair of anything at the Goodwill is a rare opportunity.

The few readers out there for this blog are aware of my love of sports and sport t-shirts. I'm often cutting them up for any number of projects, including re-purposing men's shirts into cute shirts for women.

A while back I found this really fun retro Seahawks t-shirt and decided to save it for myself. I didn't want to completely change the shape or do a massive cut job, just give it a more feminine look.

It's been a busy couple weeks, which is why I haven't been a very active blogger.

Had my first childbirth class, which was informative and helpful.
About Me
About Me
I'm Maren and I inherited the "project" gene. While this probably isn't a scientific term, I believe it is why I am constantly starting (and usually finishing) new projects. I focus most of my efforts on various crafts, sewing, art, home decor, recycled materials and anything else that peaks my curiosity.
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madebymeo (at) gmail (dot) com
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