Like many projects this summer I got the idea for this artwork in June and finished it in September. I'm not sure where the idea to cut up magazine pages into strips and use them as a stencil background came from, but I really like how the finished project turned out.

Here's what I did...

Cut up pages from a magazine into strips. I wanted green as my background color, so I looked for pages with various green hues.

Then I used a little Mod Podge to paste the strips to three small, square canvases.

I couldn't quite get all the wrinkles out, but the texture actually worked well in the end.

Next I cut out the stencils I drew of sea creatures (crab, octopus, whale)

And then did a reverse stencil on the canvas using acrylic craft paint.
About Me
About Me
I'm Maren and I inherited the "project" gene. While this probably isn't a scientific term, I believe it is why I am constantly starting (and usually finishing) new projects. I focus most of my efforts on various crafts, sewing, art, home decor, recycled materials and anything else that peaks my curiosity.
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Email me
madebymeo (at) gmail (dot) com
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