Last Saturday my mom, her friend Sydney, and I had a little Christmas craft party to create gift tags and experiment with wood burning, which was new to me.

My mom has been playing with wood burning for a little while. I can now see how it could become addictive. It took a some time to understand the right amount of pressure, but then I was hooked. And, it was interesting to see which woods were easy/difficult to burn.

After burning the outline of our images we used a watercolor pencils to enhance our blocks. These are a few of my more successful burning experiments.

We also used laminate sample chips to make gift tags. (NOTE: My parents are in the cabinet industry, so they have thousands of these chips).

This project has become an annual tradition. I mean who can resist this face, really?

I love compact, desktop calendars that fit into a CD jewel. I realize this is becoming an obsolete item and I may have to change my format eventually, but for now I cling to my CD jewel-sized calendar.

I found the initial template on the blog Adobe Photoshop Elements Techniques a few years back, but have since created my own, because I wanted to make some minor changes.

Like so many projects, this garland wrapped around my Christmas tree started out as one idea and grew, and grew....

Originally, I planned to use a few pieces of green felt and a modern-looking fat quarter I found at Pacific Fabrics for a handful of small, quilted Christmas tree ornaments.

This isn't the project I expected to complete when I bought these children's blocks. I purchased the five blocks spelling "MERRY" for a holiday printing idea. But, after I got them home it dawned on me that the letters would be backwards if I tried to use them for printing/stamping. (Yes, I was giving myself a big pat on the back after that.)

So, I created these ornaments as a plan B.

Ever have an idea that you can't get rid of? It lingers on your "to-do" list for months, even years? I do.

This advent calendar idea has been lingering in my brain since Henry was teeny tiny.

I started saving empty baby food jars thinking they would be great for something, but what? Then it hit me, "an advent calendar!" But how would I display them?

One day while roaming antiques stores in Snohomish I noticed that old soda pop crates often have 24 slots.

In the midst of all my Halloween costume making and pumpkin carving, I also helped provide decorations for a co-worker's baby shower.

I made some of these tissue paper pom poms, both large and small, for another friends baby shower this summer and decided to reuse the idea. They are inexpensive, easy to make, and fun. You can buy them pre-made at party stores, but it is really so cheap to do it yourself.

I don't know if it was the candy or helping a very excited two-year old trick-or-treat, but I feel like I have a Halloween hang over today. (I know it's probably the sugar....)

Here are a few photos of the complete costumes from last night. This gang from Sesame Street was definitely a hit!

I also have included the templates for the facial features from the Oscar, Elmo, and Cookie Monster hats.

A perfect call day is sunny, but crisp. You get to spend the morning searching for the perfect pumpkin (or pumpkins) in the patch. Then a little pie from the Snohomish Pie Company.

And, finally an amazing Husky game where the dawgs annihilate the ducks. (A girl can dream can't she?) I guess 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Anyway, I do love pumpkins and ended up buying 13 different pumpkins and gourds a Bailey's Farm in Snohomish a few weeks ago.

Halloween is one of my favorite holidays and I have always loved playing dress up. Perhaps this is why I started our costumes in early September.

Henry is still at an age where I can push him in the direction I want for Halloween costumes. He loves Elmo and it seemed to be an simple costume. All red clothes with an Elmo hat, right?. Of course Jeff and I could easily be Sesame Street characters too, Cookie Monster and Oscar, respectively.

Those who know me know I'm a fan of team apparel, when done properly. (Please don't get me started on glittery, pink team shirts for women.)

I've re-purposed more than my share of sports t-shirts into scarves, blankets, and skirts, so when Jeff asked me to help him create a Seattle Sounders blazer I was up for the challenge, but not quite sure what he had in mind.
About Me
About Me
I'm Maren and I inherited the "project" gene. While this probably isn't a scientific term, I believe it is why I am constantly starting (and usually finishing) new projects. I focus most of my efforts on various crafts, sewing, art, home decor, recycled materials and anything else that peaks my curiosity.
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madebymeo (at) gmail (dot) com
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