My husband LOVES Scrabble. He refers to it as "The Game".  We own several versions, although he mostly plays the online version now. And, no "Words with Friends" is not allowed.

Knowing his love for "The Game", several years ago I bought 4-5 old Scrabble boards at the Artists' Garage Sale at the Schack Art Center in Everett, WA from artist Amy Duncan. She always has lots of interesting supplies and ephemera at her booth.  I didn't really have a plan for them, but thought the board might make a fun clock face.

Fast forward to Christmas 2013 and I finally got around to making a Scrabble clock as his gift.
About Me
About Me
I'm Maren and I inherited the "project" gene. While this probably isn't a scientific term, I believe it is why I am constantly starting (and usually finishing) new projects. I focus most of my efforts on various crafts, sewing, art, home decor, recycled materials and anything else that peaks my curiosity.
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madebymeo (at) gmail (dot) com
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