I'd like to start by saying that from now on I will be sticking to sewing costumes, not making them out of cardboard, glue, and duct tape.
It was definitely an interesting challenge and took more time than I anticipated. I didn't do a good job of documenting the process while I was working on it, so I only have the final pictures. Sorry!
I am happy with how it turned out and Henry seemed to enjoy it, although he didn't enjoy wearing for that long. I think it became a bit cumbersome and I made the mistake of joking about it disintegrating in the massive rain shower we had that morning, which might have scared him bit.
I will mention that many other folks have attempted this costume and there are some other quality versions to be found on Pinterest.
The suggestion by another blogger (sorry can't remember who!) to use a cylinder concrete form, which may be found at your local hardware store, was great. However this does make the front a bit heavy compared to the back. Just something to consider.
If you have any questions about any of the other materials let me know!
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